About Friends of Mary Ward
St. Mary's Convent Inter College


Friends of Mary Ward is a movement which is initiated for the well- wishers, friends, staff and students of the Congregation of Jesus with the intention of leading one to harmonious relationship with one's own self, with God, with each other and with the whole creation. The movement puts before its members a way of life that invites them to optimum development of their human potential, and prepares them to become a blessing to their family and the society. It moulds them to dedicate their lives to the love and service of God and others.


The Friends of Mary Ward is a group of like-minded individuals who are inspired by the vision of Mary Ward and have come together to answer a call experienced individually, and to express as a group a burning desire to serve God and others, as an extension of the C.J. family in keeping with the spirit and charism of Mary Ward.


Inspired by the vision and charism of Mary Ward and closely bound to the C.J. Family, this movement will be called the Friends of Mary Ward. For the sake of brevity, it is referred to as F.M.W.


The F.M.W. welcomes any like-minded individual who is inspired by the spirit of Mary Ward. As a member of F.M.W., every person is called to answer the spiritual and human needs of the times. They are required to adopt a life of daily prayer to nurture spiritual growth,and to fulfill their obligations and duties towards their existing state of life and maintain amiable and cordial relations with those whom they live, work and pray, so that they may become “living examples- holy and pleasing to God.” The inspiration of the movement is the “Vision of the Just Soul” of Mary Ward.


We the Friends of Mary Ward, guided by the indomitable spirit of Mary Ward; commit ourselves to be seekers of Truth and Doers of Justice for the Greater, Honor and Glory of God.


To foster Mary Wardian values in one's everyday life and the lives of the students, teachers, office staff, co- workers and friends and to bring about a change in the Society.


The members embrace genuine values of freedom, justice, sincerity, verity and felicity. With these values, the members foster a mutual respect and deep understanding of the self, and compassion for the broader community.

  • Freedom - Freedom must be understood in the Mary Wardian sense of arising out of one's personal relationship with God. Her belief was that each one of us, in our ordinary experience of life, has access to God's loving care. This is the truth that sets us free.
  • Justice - Justice, as Mary Ward describes it, involves personal integrity based on a harmonious relationship with oneself, with God, with others and with the whole of creation. It is expressed through “works of justice” that aspire to bring about such harmony.
  • Sincerity - To live with the Mary Wardian ideal of, "we should be such as we appear and appear such as we are".
  • Verity - For Mary Ward, verity is having integrity and truth, particularly the truth of who we are and what gives meaning to our lives - a truth that centers fundamentally on the mystery of God.
  • Felicity - Felicity is an attitude of mind; a disposition of the heart which manifests itself in cheerfulness, hope, friendliness, positive thinking, self-acceptance and courage.

Procedure of F.M.W. Meetings:-

  • Opening Prayer
  • Taking attendance of the members
  • Reading out and approving of the minutes of the previous meeting
  • Assessment of various programmes undertaken
  • Discussion/talk/ seminar on a specific topic according to the need of the unit
  • Planning of the future activities
  • Preparation for the next meeting (spell out the agenda and allot the responsibilities related to the meeting)
  • Any other announcements
  • Spiritual leader speaks. She/he highlights the aspects that need attention
  • Concluding prayer